In honor of Take Your Dog to Work Day (which is, apparently, a thing), 12 beloved writers and their canine companions.
“You write what you want to write in the way that it has to be.“ In honor of Anne Carson’s birthday, we’ve collected some of her best thoughts on writing.
As Gemini season draws to a close, Randon Rosenbohm enumerates their *many* positive qualities through the lens of beloved Gemini writers.
Remember when our President liked books? We’ve compiled Barack Obama’s reading recommendations, for old time’s sake.
Dear Book Therapist: How do I survive my C - marriage? See Rosalie Knecht’s advice, and literary prescription, here.
“Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry.” — William Butler Yeats, who was born today in 1865.
“Morbid? You make me laugh. This life I write and draw and portray is life as it is, and therefore you call it morbid.” — Djuna Barnes, who was born today in 1892.
“It’s very likely Gabo started writing Autumn of the Patriarch in the very room from which I’m writing this story now.” In which a writer discovers she has rented Gabriel García Márquez’s former apartment.
From a tragicomedy from Iraq to a razor-sharp take on being a mistress, from Sweden, 5 great books you may have overlooked last month.
Bought for $17 and sold for $17,000? From Batman to Thomas Paine, 8 recent rare book finds in unlikely places.
catapultbooks “In a world where women are almost always defined by their relationships (daughter, sister, lover, wife, mother, grandmother) it strikes me as important to shed a light on the woman herself. What is she without all these shoes she has to fill? Well, she’s an existence and she’s an existence that either disturbs her surroundings—or is in the danger of retreating from them: like mist.”An essay by Dorthe Nors on the invisibility of middle-aged women.(via On the Invisibility of Middle-Aged Women | Literary Hub) Source: